How to reconnect your mind and your body
In these times, as we are looking for more ways to stay healthy or to recuperate, strengthening our connection with our bodies is crucial. Educational psychologist Dr. Elsi Meyer explains how the various layers of the mind can be used to awaken the “felt sense” of the body, mentions the tools at our disposal, and the advantages involved. She outlines the four phases of awakening, and how to balance rational thought and the creative mind for optimal well-being.
Dr. Elsi Meyer
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In episode 25 of the podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Elsi touches on her book, Re-mind your body; shift your thinking to liberate the body-mind, and on
understanding the connection to our body
signs pointing to a need to reconnect to our body, and their causes
how the various layers of the mind can be used to restore the “felt sense” of the body, also called the body-mind
everyday tools that can aid us in this
what gut feel really is
the definition of awakening
the 4 phases of the journey of awakening, from conception till the day we die
the role of our belief systems in this process
insights from Elsi’s experience as a psychologist using hypnotherapy, including how maternal awareness can affect the fetus
the development of both logical reasoning and a bigger frame of reference
the importance of balancing the world of the creative mind and the world of rational thought
Elsi’s 3 best tips on keeping your life nice and simple.
Re-mind your body; shift your thinking to liberate the body-mind by Dr. Elsi Meyer is available on Amazon (Kindle version), Exclusive Books, Bargain Books, and on
Read Elsi’s thoughts on freedom, weight loss, and a home overflowing with children.
Elsi explains how conscious journalling can help us accept and express our emotions and follow our inner compass.
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and
Contact details
Dr. Elsi Meyer is an educational psychologist trained in hypnotherapy, a kinesiologist, teacher, and author from Pretoria.
Tel. 072 6166 949
Music by Mart-Marie Snyman.
Image: Pexels.
Photograph of Dr. Elsi Meyer: supplied